ClusterTools Contents

ClusterTools User Guide



2D scatterplot for showing clusterresults


 LAB Vector of M indices pointing to the cluster prototypes of all  objects in DATA.
 DATA 2D dataset or double array with M objects (rows).
 TITLE Title to be plotted on top of the scatterplot.


This routine produces a scatterplot of DATA and labels it according to  the clustering given in LAB. In case DATA and TITLE are not given it uses  the data of the previous scatterplot produced by SCATN.

See also

datasets, mappings, dcluste, dclustf, dclusth, dclustf, dclustm, dclustr, cluste, clustf, clustk, clustm, clustkh, modeclustf, clusteval, clustcerr, clustc, clustnum, clusthc, plotdg,

ClusterTools Contents

ClusterTools User Guide

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