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PRTools User Guide



Add another label list to dataset definition


 A Dataset
 LABLIST Label list to be added
 LABLISTNAME Optional name for this label list

 B Dataset
 N Number for the new label list


This command adds an additional label list to a dataset. It also  activates this label list as the current one. LABLISTNAME may be  given to identify this label list in the CHANGELABLIST command.  Alternatively, the label list number may be used there.

Multiple label lists are only supported for crisp labels and not for  the soft and target label types. See SETLABELS.

In addition to storing the new label list the following changes in  the dataset are made

  • If the dataset did not contain a mulitple label setup yet, it is  implemented. The following definition is used for L label lists
  • B.LABLIST becomes a cell array of size (L+1,2)
  • B.LABLIST(I,1) contains label list I
  • B.LABLIST(I,2) contains the corresponding prior probabilities  (to be substituted in B.PRIOR by CHANGELABLIST)
  • B.LABLIST(I,3) contains the corresponding error costs  (to be substituted in B.COST by CHANGELABLIST)
  • B.LABLIST(I,4) contains the corresponding label type (crisp, soft or  targets).
  • B.LABLIST(L+1,1) contains a char array with the label list names  These names can be retrieved by GETLABLISTNAMES
  • B.LABLIST(L+1,2) contains the index of the current label list.
  • B.LABLIST(L+1,3) contains a vector with target sizes (number of  columns) for each label list. Used by SETTARGETS and GETTARGETS.
  • B.NLAB is an array of size (M,L), in which M is the number of  objects in B
  • The number of columns in NLAB is extended by one. This columns is  filled by zeros (no labels defined yet).
  • B.PRIOR is made empty
  • B.COST is made empty
  • An new cell pair is added in B.LABLIST just before the last pair.  it is filled by the new label list and an empty prior definition
  • The set of label lists in B.LABLIST{L+1,1) is updated with the new  label list name.
  • The current label list in B.LABLIST{L+1,2) is set to L.

The ADDLABLIST command should be followed by a SETNLAB to store the  proper new labels for the objects and by a SETPRIOR to update the  prior probability setting. These actions may be combined by the  ADDLABELS command. An existing label list may be removed by the  DELLABLIST command.


In this case just the current label list is returned in N and the start  and endpoint of the corresponding columns in A.TARGET. If T0no  targets are set.

See also

datasets, multi_labeling, addlabels, changelablist, curlablist, dellablist,

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PRTools User Guide

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