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PRTools User Guide



Fixed mapping computating features by DIP_Image


 A Dataset with binary object images dataset (possibly multi-band)
 GRAY Gray-valued images (matched with A, optional)
 FEATURES Features to be computed

 F Dataset with computed features
  In each image of the measurement set GRAY the features given in FEATURES are measured. In A a segmented version of GRAY has to be supplied.  When no GRAY is supplied, the binary images in A are used. Only  the largest object in each image is considered.

The following features may be computed
'dimension','mean','stddev','gravity','size','center','max','min',  'maxval','minval','feret'','inertia','ccbendingenergy'.  Note that some features like 'mean' (mean image intensity) and 'stddev'  (standard deviation of image intensity) are not useful for binary images.  Run MEASUREHELP to get some information on these measures.

Use FEATURES = 'all' for computing all features.  Use MEASUREHELP for some description of the features.  Use IM_FEATURES for a set of features not based on DIP_Image

See also

datasets, datafiles, measure, measurehelp,

PRTools Contents

PRTools User Guide

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