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Compute Negative Eigen Fraction from PE dataset or mapping

    [F,R] = NEF(W)
    [F,R] = NEF(A)
    [F,R] = W*NEF
    [F,R] = A*NEF

 A Pseudo-Euclidean dataset
 W Pseudo-Euclidean mapping

 F Negative eigen-fraction
 R Negative eigen-ratio


The negative eigen-fraction is a ratio expressing the sum of  magnitudes of all negative eigenvalues divided by the sum of  magnitudes of all eigenvalues. The necessary numbers are stored  in W = PE_EM(D) or in A = D*W, in which D is a symmetric dissimilarity  matrix.

The negative eigen-fraction is the ratio of the magnitude of the lowest  negative eigenvalue and the largest positive eigenvalue.

See also

datasets, mappings, pe_em,

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